Run a Command on Sync

Run a predefined external command upon sync completion.

setting value description version
command string command to execute (passed to the shell) git master branch


One might want to run an external program when all podcast episodes get synchronized to external database (refresh a player’s database or enqueue the episode, download episode statistics, run other device-related program like Last.FM scrobbler, etc.). This extension makes it possible to execute any command.


  1. In the Extensions tab under Preferences, check “Run a Command on Sync” (in the “Post Sync” section).
  2. In the Advanced Configuration (Edit Configuration button), define the extensions.command_on_sync.command entry to the command you want to run.

If the command is a bit long, write a wrapper script. You can also directly edit $GPODDER_HOME/Settings.json to refine your command.

Example Commands


zenity --info --width=600 --text="All episodes synchronised"

displays all variables in a dialog window (requires zenity).

Scrobble playback log file to Last.FM (requires rb-scrobbler)

rb-scrobbler -f $SCROBBLER_LOG_FILE -n delete-on-success

You can obtain rb-scrobbler on Github.

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