Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to ask a new question, do so on the Mailing list. If you get your question answered on the mailing list, please add the question and answer here for other people to find.

I’m having some kind of “ImportError: cannot import name XYZ” bug when starting gPodder. What can I do?

Please check if you have all dependencies installed (the ImportError should already give you a clue what’s missing). If it’s some gpodder-internal module that cannot be loaded, this probably means that you have installed different versions of gPodder on your system that conflict. Make sure to remove all locally-installed gPodder files from /usr/local and also check which gPodder version is installed in /usr and remove the installed gpodder package if necessary. Then, install the newest version from your distribution or via the Download page on If you still have problems, please file a bug report.

Where are my downloaded episodes?

You can find the answer in the user manual.

I believe my gPodder configuration is corrupted - how do I start out with a fresh config?

gPodder stores all its settings in gPodder under your home directory (e.g. /home/yourname/gPodder/). To restart with a fresh config, quit gPodder, remove the folder ~/gPodder/ and all its contents and re-start gPodder. All your settings and channel subscriptions will be lost and you can start out with a fresh config. If you changed the location of your download folder before you have to delete the gPodder folder in your self defined location

How do I change the download directory?

You can find the answer in the user manual.

How do I subscribe to channels that require HTTP authentication?

Simply add your username and password into the URL when adding a channel. gPodder will automatically see the provided authentication data and use it to authenticate to the web server. The syntax is

If your user name consists of an email and the authentication don’t work you have to upgrade to gPodder 3.x

gPodder doesn’t start on Windows

Please try uninstalling gPodder and re-installing. If it doesn’t solve it, see the Windows specific section of the documentation.

I get I/O errors using the Flatpak package

Flatpak uses special sandboxing for security reasons, you can override the sandbox to be able to write into different folders. In this example, the download folder is under /DataDiskA and you also want to allow writing to any removable media (e.g. MP3 players) under /media/myuser:

flatpak override --user --filesystem=/DataDiskA org.gpodder.gpodder
flatpak override --user --filesystem=/media/myuser org.gpodder.gpodder
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